Accountability, the corner stone of Unbox with Sahar Life mentoring, can transform your life. Many individuals, at the beginning of their self-discovery journey, describe their lives as a continuous uphill struggle. It often feels as though the universe is throwing endless ‘karmic balls’ at them. There is a profound reason for this.

There is wisdom behind these karmic balls. The first step is to resist surrendering to negative emotions. The world is not against you. A karmic ball is essentially an opportunity for you to purge situations and beliefs that have outlived their purpose, akin to discarding old furniture.

Three key concepts

Focus on the Following Key Concepts

  1. Change Your Script: If you do not like ‘your movie’, change the script. Transform your beliefs, and they will transform your life.
  2. Perfection of the Universe: The universe is inherently perfect, even if you dislike what is happening. These events often occur to improve your life, not ruin it.
  3. Initiate Change: Change starts with you.

Beliefs attract situations that confirm their validity. Scientist Itzhak Bentov posited that our brains do not produce thoughts but amplify them. Be mindful of the beliefs ingrained in your brain, filter out false statements, and adhere to your truths.

Resolving inner conflicts

When you experience inner conflict, you will attract external conflict. How often have you found yourself saying: ‘I believe my partner does not love me enough,’ ‘No one appreciates me at work,’ or ‘I am a victim’? If your life seems disappointing, recognise that you have a choice now, and use it. Let your past teach you how to positively influence the present.

Any ‘drama’ we encounter starts with our personal beliefs. We react emotionally to learn and grow. If your ‘dramas’ are frequent and painful, it is time to pause and ask yourself:

  • What is it within me that is generating a conflict?
  • Do I have two sets of beliefs that are equally strong but contradict each other?

Consider these conflicting thoughts: ‘I really seek true love,’ but at the same time, ‘I know I will never find it!’ Ak yourslefl: “Am I treating myself as I expect others to?” Imagine you are your best friend. Love yourself first – before you can love anyone else.

Changing your script

Find a quiet moment where you can sit relaxed, with a paper and pen. Light a candle, play your favourite relaxing music, then:

  1. List all your ‘negative’ or limiting beliefs about yourself, your life, and others in your life. Write them down in one column.
  2. Rewrite each belief in the opposite column into a positive statement in the present tense. These will be your new beliefs or affirmations.
  3. Over the next few weeks, start and end your day by repeating each new affirmation several times. Multiples of three repetitions will be most effective.
  4. Start by saying them out loud while looking into your eyes in a mirror. This may feel silly, but it is an effective way of reaching your inner mind! Repeat them until you no longer experience resistance (or feel self-conscious).
  5. Carry your new beliefs around so they are readily accessible. I even stuck my new beliefs on coloured post-it notes around my flat, on the bathroom mirror, behind doors, etc.
  6. Later on, you can replace the post-it notes with smaller, more discreet coloured stickers, placed on any spot you frequently look at. Each colour represents a new belief, and each sticker serves as a constant reminder to your brain.
  7. Work on no more than three new beliefs at a time. It is easier for the brain to accept them. Then, move on to the next three, and so on.

Accountability affirmations

Consider these affirmations, which are currently on my board:

  • No matter what happens, I will create no more pain for myself, I will create no more problems. Life is full of joy.
  • All is well in my world.
  • I will only react to constructive suggestions.

Reclaim your power now. Hold yourself accountable for the feeling, decisions and actions you create. The future you yearn for is literally in your hands. Identify the beliefs that are not serving you and change them. You will experience more joy and less pain in your life. Remember, once the lesson is learnt, your situation will change. Karma is the consequence of our decisions and actions.

© Sahar Huneidi Palmer

🌐 Based in Dubai, UAE, Sahar offers online consultations.